MS11 | Transatlantic Transformations: European HR Tech Trends that U.S. Leaders Can’t Ignore

  • Room: Mandalay Bay KL
  • Session Number: MS11
Friday, October 13, 2023: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM


Matt Alder
Podcaster, Talent Acquisition Futurist, International Speaker, Author
Recruiting Future
Mervyn Dinnen
Principal Analyst
Two Heads Consulting


European analysts Mervyn Dinnen and Matt Alder will guide attendees through the European HR technology landscape, describing the key trends, challenges and opportunities shaping business across the Atlantic. Offering practical insights and actionable strategies, US HR leaders with operations globally will gain the knowledge and perspectives needed to integrate with, and operate within, Europe’s HR framework whilst also getting clarity on the HR technology solutions they need to be investing in to supercharge their European businesses.

  • Mega Session